More tetails about Labor Day holiday plans
As mentioned in my previous post, I will now provide a detailed explanation of my plans.
Let’s get started.
The plans
Take online classes
That’s not surprising, since many students are now required to complete their classes online.
However, as the focus of this article is not on the benefits of online classes, I will not delve further into this topic. Perhaps we can discuss it in future posts.
Finish my homework
Not an interesting thing, right?
So, it’s not today’s focus, too.
Let’s move on to the next.
Do some reading
Oh, this one is worth discussing in detail. Let me show you.
Nowadays, I’m participating in a project about use AI in education, so I borrowed 8 books from the library yesterday. Most of them are focused on machine learning and Python, they are quite technical and I won’t be discussing them in this passage.
Let’s talk about another book I got from the library: Mastering Git, a book to teach you to use git.
Don’t know what git is? That’s fine, just understand it’s an useful tool for coders.
This book is in full English, which is great for improving my English skills while also learning about Git.
Prepare for exams
Yes, we will have some exams after this holiday, however, I don’t want to think about it in such a day for resting.
Let’s just skip this one.
Clean my room and organize my clothes
With five days of rest ahead and fine weather outside, it would be a perfect time to give the room a good clean and catch up on some chores, wouldn’t it?
Go walking
I had mentioned that when taking a leisurely walk, inspiration struck and I brainstormed ideas for my article.
So, put down the phone, take a walk and enjoy the late spring.
Keep writing and updating this blog
I had set a goal that write more than 5 posts every week.
It’s also a efficient way for me to learn English.
So, keep writing, let me share my thoughts to you through these words.
OK, that’s all my plans, but life is full of uncertainty, so the best plan is no plan, just enjoy the holiday and do right things in right places and on right times.